Lars Bukkehave have become part of the race organization of the
Nordic Islands Adventure Race belonging to the ARWS -
Adventure Racing World Series. He has over 10 years of
experience organising Kong Vinter Adventure Race in Denmark
and other popular races within the nordic countries. He is also one
of the founders of the Danish Adventure Race Union.
In his pack, he also bring experience from organising Xterra
Denmark and Xterra Norway. He is an ARWS referee and been
racing himself in the world series for over 15 years, with a first
place in the notorious Patagonia Expedition Race as a highlight.
In addition to NIAR, Nordic Island Adventure Race, a full length expedition race in the ARWS
that takes place around Stockholm, Sweden June 4-10th 2021, the race will expanded with a
new series called the Nordic Adventure Racing League.
2021 there will be 3 races in the League, include a 24-hour and 8-hour race in:
Nordic Adventure Racing League
- April 17-18th; Denmark, Copenhagen
- Norway, place and date (TBA)
- June 5-6th; Sweden, Stockholm
- Adventure Racing World Series
- June 4-10th; Sweden, Stockholm - ARWS
The league will have its own ranking system and an overall leader and winner.
In the long run, the ambition is to expand and also organize Adventure Races in Finland,
Iceland, The Faroe Islands and Greenland.
The first race in the League will be around Copenhagen April 17th, 2021. More information
and registrations for all races will be out on in January.